Tag: Others


Shawn Corey Cater also known as "Jay-Z" Born Dec 4, 1969 (Age…

Muhammad A. Aliyu Muhammad A. Aliyu


The no. 2,520 can perfectly be divided by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 & 10 85%…

Muhammad A. Aliyu Muhammad A. Aliyu

Daily Proverb

http://goo.gl/iouUJd What cannot be swallowed by a duck cannot be swallowed by…

Muhammad A. Aliyu Muhammad A. Aliyu

Britney Spears

Britney Jean Spears Born Dec 2, 1981 (Age 34) An American recording…

Muhammad A. Aliyu Muhammad A. Aliyu


http://goo.gl/YNQUhY Harvard University library collection has a books bound in human skin…

Muhammad A. Aliyu Muhammad A. Aliyu

Daily Proverb

http://goo.gl/iouUJd He who sets mouse traps in burnt grass should not expect…

Muhammad A. Aliyu Muhammad A. Aliyu

10 Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human…

Farouk Mohammed Farouk Mohammed

5 Fun First Date Activities You Can Engage In

Oh, the hope. And the pressure! First dates can be wonderful and…

Farouk Mohammed Farouk Mohammed