A woman was forced to have sex with her dead husband. Not in private ooh! But while he was laid in his casket in the presence of mourners.
The woman, identified as Sarah Simirayi of Svisvi, Zimbabwe, carried out her estranged, deceased husband’s demands by having sex with his body before burial.
Sarah, who had left her husband for her new lover had recently moved back to her hometown after she was dumped by her lover. However, her estranged husband, Nunurayi Musamo, 68, died soon after she returned.
In a note which Nunurayi left behind, he asked it to be read at his funeral. In the note, he had left a message for Sarah saying that he had died of a broken heart by missing her and asked that she make love to him before he is buried.
Initially, she resisted, but after she was pressurised by the man’s family, she accepted the task. A relative said that they opened the coffin and that Sarah reportedly got on top of Nunurayi’s body and had sex.
Relatives say the dead man was able to perform “quite satisfactorily”, calling it “angel lust.”