A psychic pig called Mystic Marcus has predicted that the Super Eagles of Nigeria will make it to the semi-final of the 2018 World Cup in Russia.
The psychic pig also predicted the election of President Donald Trump of the US.
Reports show that the pig also picked Argentina, Belgium and Uruguay to make the cut for the semi-final.
According to the owner Juliette Stevens, Mystic Marcus has a 100% track record of predicting sports outcomes.
The micro pig had predicted the winner of the last edition of the competition as well as the Wimbledon tennis finals by picking apples.
“Marcus is the seventh child of a seventh child and apparently they’re gifted with special powers so maybe that’s where it comes from,” Juliette, a farmer and micro pig breeder told the Daily mail.
“A few years ago I was invited on a radio show because of Paul the octopus predicting results and they wanted to see if I had any animals that had the ability.
“I hadn’t tried the seventh child theory out so thought I’d give it a go.
“They used apples and oranges and Marcus predicted the football results, it was amazing.”