Technically, women have a lower pain threshold, but ¾ of women still think that men feel more pain than they do
George Washington had teeth made of gold, hippopotamus ivory, lead, animal teeth (including horse & donkey teeth) and human teeth from slaves
13.5% of men only want to date shorter women
The word “Senate” in Latin literally means “a body of old men”
One in every 7 Africans is a Nigerian
The Dutch colonized Indonesia for 350 yrs
In Toraja, people take tea with a corpse
A study found that, on average, a woman’s friendliness will be mistaken for sexual interest 3.5 times a year
Happy wife, happy life
All married couples tend to fight over the same 5 things:
Money, sex, work, parenting & housework
Why was 6 afraid of 7?