Okay.ng is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in our editorial content. We believe that diversity is essential to our ability to tell the stories of our diverse audience and to provide our readers with a variety of perspectives.

We have a number of policies in place to promote diversity and inclusion in our editorial content. These policies include:

  • A diversity and inclusion policy: Okay.ng’s diversity and inclusion policy outlines our commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our operations, including our editorial content. The policy sets forth specific goals and initiatives for promoting diversity and inclusion in our editorial content.
  • A diversity and inclusion training program: All Okay.ng editorial staff are required to complete a diversity and inclusion training program. This training program helps staff to identify and address their unconscious biases and to learn how to produce more inclusive editorial content.
  • A diverse editorial board: Okay.ng’s editorial board is composed of a diverse group of individuals who represent a variety of perspectives. The editorial board is responsible for setting the editorial direction of Okay.ng and for ensuring that our editorial content is diverse and inclusive.
  • A diverse source pool: Okay.ng journalists are required to use a diverse source pool when reporting on stories. This helps to ensure that our editorial content reflects the diversity of our audience and that we are not relying on the same sources over and over again.
  • A sensitivity review process: All Okay.ng editorial content is subject to a sensitivity review before it is published. This review process helps to ensure that our content is sensitive to the needs of our diverse audience and that it does not contain any harmful or offensive language or imagery.

We are committed to continuous improvement in our diversity and inclusion efforts. We regularly review our policies and practices to ensure that we are doing everything we can to create a more diverse and inclusive editorial environment.