Okay.ng is committed to publishing accurate and timely information. We strive to fact-check our reporting carefully, but sometimes mistakes happen. When we make a mistake, we will correct it as quickly and prominently as possible.

How to report an error

If you see an error in a Okay.ng article, please let us know by emailing us at newsroom@okay.ng Please include the link to the article in your email and describe the error in as much detail as possible.

How we investigate and address errors

When you receive a report of an error, we will investigate it immediately. If we find that the error is valid, we will publish a correction as soon as possible.

The correction will be placed at the top of the article and will include the following information:

  • A description of the error
  • The correct information
  • An apology to our readers

If the error is significant, we may also publish a retraction of the article. A retraction is a statement that the article contains inaccurate information and that it should not be relied upon.

Our commitment to accuracy

We are committed to publishing accurate and timely information. We strive to fact-check our reporting carefully, but sometimes mistakes happen. When we make a mistake, we will correct it as quickly and prominently as possible.