Okay.ng is a leading online news platform in Nigeria, reporting on the latest news and events in the country and around the world. We are committed to providing our readers with accurate, informative, and unbiased news.

Our team of experienced journalists is dedicated to covering a wide range of topics, including:

We also produce a variety of original content, such as investigative reports, feature stories, and opinion pieces.

Okay.ng is a trusted source of news for Nigerians at home and abroad. We are committed to providing our readers with the information they need to stay informed and make informed decisions.

Our mission

Our mission is to be the most trusted and reliable source of news and information for Nigerians. We strive to provide our readers with accurate, informative, and unbiased news on a wide range of topics.

Our values

We are committed to the following values:

  • Accuracy: We strive to report the news accurately and objectively.
  • Fairness: We present all sides of a story and allow our readers to form their own opinions.
  • Independence: We are not beholden to any special interests.
  • Integrity: We are committed to the highest ethical standards.

Our team

Okay.ng has a team of experienced journalists who are passionate about reporting the news. Our journalists are from all walks of life and have a wide range of expertise.

Contact us

If you have any questions or feedback, find our details below.

Office Address: 20AH, Jimoh Oladehinde Road, Gbagada, Lagos.
Phone Number: +2348139009126
Email: contact@okay.ng

Meet our team

Get to know the people behind Okay.ng HERE

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