X Empire, the Elon Musk-themed Telegram crypto game formerly known as Musk Empire, has announced the end date for its “mining phase,” signaling that the highly anticipated airdrop is just around the corner.
The company revealed that the mining phase will conclude on September 30, giving players a final month to accumulate points in the tap-to-earn game.
This phase has allowed players to progress and earn in-game currency, which will soon be converted during the token airdrop.
According to the announcement, any in-game progression after September 30 will not be counted towards the token airdrop.
This marks a significant milestone for the project, as players rush to maximize their earnings before the cut-off date.
X Empire has been building anticipation for the token airdrop, hinting that it will occur at the end of September or in early October.
In preparation for this event, the project recently burned in-game coins from accounts that had not been active for 30 days or more, ensuring a fair distribution of tokens to active players.