Over 70 percent of students who sat for the 2014 November/ December 2014 West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WAEC) failed to pass the exam once more.
They failed to make five credits, Mathematics and English Language inclusive, according to the exams body.
To pass the exam, one has to have five credits with the two subjects.
The National Office of the Council Head Charles Eguridu revealed this woeful result on December 18, 2014, in Lagos state. He revealed that out of the 241,161 candidates who sat for the exams only 72,522 scored five credits with the two key subjects, giving a pass rate of 29.27 percent.
The 2014 result only shows a .1 percent increase from the previous year’s 29.17 percent pass rate.
They also revealed that the commission withheld 28,817 results due to exam malpractice.
Eguridu said that the body is investigating these reports and their later decision would be passed to the affected candidates in due course.
This is a repeat of 2013 when only 29.17 percent obtained credits in 5 subjects and in English Language and Mathematics.